Sunday, July 5, 2015

Calm before the Storm

Today's been a super chill, watch-movies-and-nap-and-finish-up-homework day. I was able to go to the Le Mans market for the final time on this trip this morning and I got some delicious, late-season strawberries, along with a Tartlette Normandie (mini apple tart) and a baguette. I also watched "Skeleton Twins" with Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader - super good. I highly recommend it although it is not funny, as one would expect with those two as the leads. It is a very good movie though.

Today I finished up some of the last homework I had for the classes and I'm currently in the process of working on the final presentation of my internship for tomorrow! I've had a week+ to work on this so naturally, I am working on it tonight.

Everyone's getting ready to go home - we leave Le Mans the day after tomorrow! It's very sad, but a lot of us are ready to get going. Personally, I would love to spend another month or two in Le Mans, taking different trips every weekend but all good things must come to an end (or something like that). From France, I'm really going to miss the French students and the seemingly constant supply of baguette, butter, and prosciutto di Parma (which combined, makes a fabulous sandwich). But also, I'm missing ice and air conditioning in America. I have enjoyed this trip immensely but also family is flying out in two days and I cannot wait to see them!!!! I have the address of the apartment we're staying in and a game plan of how I'll get there so I am ready to go!

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