Thursday, July 2, 2015


Today was the last day of the internship!!! Also I realized this morning that I forgot to post anything last night!

Yesterday was hot. I felt as though I was standing on the sun in 12 different sweaters. I also didn't eat anything but croissants and nutella until 3 pm, so that didn't help at all. Yesterday was also the final for the history class so that is officially done! It was a three hour final paper, but I would like to thank AP English for coming in clutch and helping me get through that. After the exam however, I did nothing except try not to die and run to the grocery store for baguette and water.

Today was great though because the high was only 87 Farenheit! Tomorrow is supposed to get up to 39 Celcius which I believe, if I calculated right, is approximately the temperature of the sun at its surface. So if I never blog again, it's because I melted.

But this morning I got to sleep in for the first time, possibly since arriving in Europe, so sleeping until 9:30 am was super cool. And then it was the last day of stage!! Ben and I spent the first couple hours looking at the website of the site to finish up our paragraph of our opinions on the site for the school. Then our advisor/professor Maria made her was over to ISIALM because everyone in the office made a little reception for us in the break room with all these local foods like rillette (delicious, you'll just have to take my word for it because if I describe it to you, you'll think it's gross), cidre, wine, cookies, and cider jam - all from the region! It was so sweet of them to do and it was fun to get to chat with them! Everyone there was so kind and especially patient with Ben and I, so overall it was a wonderful experience and I am so thankful for it!

The little reception! With everything from either Le Mans or the region of Sarthe, where Le Mans is located (I don't know what happened to the right side of the picture)

Going to our stage everyday was very similar to how I feel when I ride the Millenium Force. I am always freaking out while waiting in line and thinking about the hill one rides up before the first hill makes me nervous but then I go down the first hill and the ride is over before I know it and I'm ready to get straight back in line, just to feel nervous all over again. On the tram and bus ride to ISIALM (we had about a 50 minute commute each way), I was always nervous because we never really knew what was going to happen that day, but then we got there and got started and it was really fun. But then I was nervous again the next day. Thank you to everyone at ISIALM who made the experience so enjoyable! And I think Ben and I are going to be on their facebook again, so that's super exciting!


  1. Please don't melt. Your Mom, Aunt Jen, and Ellie are depending on you next week ! ;o). I am thrilled that you found this experience so worth while. Great that your Mom and Dad gave you this fantastic opportunity!
