Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Il fait trop chaud et je vais mourir (it is too hot and I'm going to die)

Wow today was hot. It's like 95 which isn't terrible, but there's no AC anywhere in France so it's just hot all the time. Literally, one of my favorite things that I brought from America was this little fan which is my second best friend, next to nutella of course. Tomorrow's high is 97 (today was 94) and then Friday could get up to 100!!! It's going to be burning up here. America is all about comfort so I really don't sweat much on 90+ degrees in Ohio because there's AC everywhere, but not in France. AC is so rare but the stairwell in the res hall is nice and cool since it's all stone and there's no sunlight.

So today we had class in the morning and then Ben and I had our stage this afternoon. We were in a class that was all about communication and how one presents themselves. The class was taught by this man who is also a clown, so he was very animated and relatively patient with Ben and I even though neither of us always knew what was going on. The professor was cool, but it was one of the most frustrating internships I've had yet. Fortunately, there is only one more on Thursday and then that's it! And on Thursday, we're having a mini-reception with different local foods and I can't wait!

Thursday it's only supposed to get up to 87 so fingers-crossed that I will make it until then!

This is our final week in Le Mans as well! We leave in one week from today! It's very sad but there's still so much that needs to get done before leaving. I can't believe how fast this has flown by.


  1. It has been unusually cool here in Ohio. The weather person tonight said we had one day in June without rain. We also had one day at 94. Do you think it is just the school in LeMans that does not have AC? How about the stores and restaurants? Also, is Paris the same way?

  2. Oh no, this is an entire France thing. A lot of their building are too old to have air conditioning (since they literally live in medieval buildings) but also, homes and restaurants and buses just don't have AC. It's pretty discouraged just about everywhere. But also, the north of France only needs it June through August. I have no idea what the south of France does, probably just sweat it out.
