Sunday, June 14, 2015

I am a Tire-Changing Pro

Historically, from my TimeHop, today has been a really good day for me. One year ago, today was my grad party. Two years ago I was in Spain on my France trip with a group from High School. And four years ago, I was at Glee Live the concertso this day has been a really good day for me in the past four years! (Five years ago was the first day of Summer Health so that's not very good, but the other three years were great!). But I am happy to say that today has lived up to the history of today.

So today was the end of the Le Mans race, at 3pm. We got there around noon, so we were able to sit and watch the race for a little bit before we got up and walked around. Unfortunately, I was never able to buy my Porsche hat from Porsche's team shop, but we did get to stop by the Ford/Ferrari tent with all of these super old Ford's including the Ford that won 24 Heures in 1968(?). Ford hasn't really competed in this race since then, until this year. This year they weren't trying to win, but they wanted to make the most eco-friendly car that could complete the course (just completing the race is a huge accomplishment). Next year however, they're competing to win!

We then stopped by Toyota's tent where I ran into a friend from Akron! He was an exchange student at Akron from Le Mans, and he was working in the Toyota tent. He was running the tire-changing competition in the tent, which I rocked. I learned how pit crews change tires and I was able to change one tire in 21 seconds, so I'm almost up to the speed I need to work in one of the pits.

Me changing the tire like a pro

Finding a spot to watch the end was kind of difficult, but we found a close enough spot to the finish line! Porsche came in 1, 2, and 5; Audi came in 3, 4. Audi, I think, won last year and they're just so consistent but Porsche was breaking records in trial runs. Additionally, Patrick did not come in any of those top places, but his car did finish! We saw his car go around in the victory lap where all the cars travel in order of their place after the race ended. I felt like I definitely had something to do with his win even though I might not have.

The Le Mans race is excellent, and if you're ever in France while it's going on, I highly recommend it! Especially if you're a car enthusiast, or if you just like a good competition.

Side note - Milan is on! Plane tickets are bought and hotel rooms are booked! So that is where I will be next weekend!!


  1. So proud of you! I look forward to having my next flat tire with you. :)

  2. It was so great seeing you last night via Skype. We missed you here, but in essence, you were part of the evening. The race sounds phenomenal ! I will have to add it to my bucket list for the next time I am in LeMan
