Friday, June 5, 2015

I Think I Am Melting. Or at least I will lose all water weight that I have from sweating

There are no plastic grocery bags in France. There are also no shorts, except on tourists. I am trying so hard to not wear shorts but it is so hot. I sat in my jeans and my t-shirt today and just sweated. I felt like I sweated so much. And there's not much air conditioning here, except for a slight breeze or the mini-fan (a true blessing) in my room.

Today we actually got to meet the French students we'll be with for the rest of the program! They are all so nice and some don't say that they speak English well, but they totally do. Some of them are even English majors!

So this evening, I went to a restaurant called "Le Globe" for dinner which was a relatively nice restaurant. However, when I was turning the pages of my menu, I found a crushed fly on one of the pages in the menu. If I had been at an Applebee's or a Rockney's (not that I go to either of those places very often), I would've been disgusted. However, I just flicked the bug off of my menu, onto the ground and moved on. I think this rational is similar to the reasoning of summer camp. In the real world, showing only twice (maximum) a week and sleeping in your own sweat/bug spray every night is ok, where as at home it is not. I was so sweaty and gross and the French just live with bugs and open air and no screens, so finding a little bug was ok. However in America, everything is too clean and sanitary for finding a crushed fly stuck to the page of a menu to ever be ok. The restaurant was wonderful, by the way. I got the Poisson du Moment  (Fish of the Day) and I'm not sure what fish it was, but it was delicious.

Today was some walking and I am hot and tired but tomorrow, at 6:30 am, we are going to meet at the tram station to make our way to Paris for the day! I am very excited but I still need to shower (which is an adventure in itself) so I just won't really sleep tonight.

Also, the trip to Milan is on! I've found people to go with so now I just have to plan it!! Bonne nuit!


  1. Early day for Paris! What a wonderful way to spend the day. Love you! Mom

  2. I wonder how many extra grams of protien that little fly added to your diet?

  3. You're going to MILAN!!!! You lucky dog. That's fantastic!

    You had a beer? But you used to tell Papa Matt, in a deep voice. I don't like beer Papa Matt ! I guess that is ancient history!😘

  4. Btw. How about wearing one of your summer dresses instead of Jeans on hot days? It must be difficult shaving your legs in that bathroom too!

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  6. Everyone wears pants here! Very rarely do you see shorts here - most of the time the person is a tourist if they're wearing shorts. There are some dresses as well but I will definitely be wearing a dress on the next hot day like that one!
