Thursday, June 11, 2015

Normandy Beaches

So today, our group traveled to Omaha Beach in Normandy - where American troops landed on D-Day.

The professor was able to point out where the troops were out in the water while we actually stood on the beach. 

After standing on the beach, we visited the American Cemetery behind the beach which was hauntingly similar to Arlington, with all the cross-shaped headstones in perfect, white lines.

We then visited Pointe du Hoc which was just a couple miles farther down the road. Allied soldiers climbed up the cliff to reach the German Artillery that rested on top. There are craters all over the top of the cliff from where bombs exploded and some of the cement German bunkers are still there so you can walk though them. They're very tiny, dark, and a little creepy.

A picnic lunch was eaten outside of the WWII museum, and then we spent the next three hours in the building. The museum was dedicated to WWII and parts were told from the French perspective. I've never experienced any perspective other than American so that was interesting for me. The museum was on par with any museum in the National Mall. It was very well done and all the information on the walls was written in French, English, and German. My only complaint is that the exhibit didn't end victoriously - it ended somberly. It talked about victory in Europe and in the Pacific Theater but it wasn't celebratory or happy, it was somber in memoriam of all the lives that were lost. Today was very informative and I currently have so much WWII knowledge.


  1. Wonderful day, even if it was a little sad

  2. Great job on the Normandy story! I'm very envious, it's one of my favorite places to visit.

  3. The pictures are a great addition. :)
